Wednesday 12 February 2014

Amazon E-Book Specials Checker

I recently cleaned up my Amazon E-Book Specials Checker and put it up on github.

If you are like me and like to know when e-books from your favourite authors are on special, check it out.

You can set the price to look for, add specific authors to a list to watch for, or just specific books.

The program can log-in to your amazon account if you choose to let it (this ensures that you get the correct pricing for the book, as the price differs per region).

How this program came to be:

A while ago I decided to write a script for checking e-book specials, so I tried to use the amazon API.
I got this working, but they did not have pricing for e-books (only physical books).

Plan B was to scrape the website. I wrote some code in python, scraping the website with urllib2 and using Beautiful Soup to parse the html. This did not always give the correct prices though, because my server running the script was not in the same country as I and amazon has different prices in different countries.

The next problem was to figure out how to log-in to my amazon account, this makes sure I always have the correct prices.

So with that done, here it is. Feedback is appreciated.

link to program

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